## 00.
nvidia-glx-legacy and nvidia-glx in Hardy, the 71/96 (currently 71.86.04 'n' 96.43.05) series (nVidia TNT, TNT2, TNT Ultra, GeForce, GeForce2, GeForce3, and GeForce4 chipsets) of proprietary nVidia drivers, are _not_ compatible with the X.Org included in Intrepid. ; resolution: mesa / no 3d rendering.
nVidia released some (two) betas, working with X.Org 7.4, so... waiting for these packages (http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=1821020/ - nVidia devs' confirmation).
no more support[1] for Radeon 9500 - X600 Series (r300 based chips).
p.s. [1] == Support from the ATI Driver, for Ubuntu 8.10, of course...
## 01.
Audacious 1.5.1 [UNSUPPORTED VERSION] :: segmentation fault ; resolution.01: remove -purge, remove/purge audacious-crossfade or alter ~/.config/audacious/config.
## 02.
xchat 2.8.6 :: chanopt.conf feature. +1.
## 03.
mplayer segmentation fault ; using nv driver (under x).
## 04.
The possibility of $# sudo service < service.foo > [start|stop|restart] \, and $# sudo service < service.foo > status \ will report the state of service.foo (running or not).
## 05.
Nice runlevel layout, making rcconf more easy to use on managing services/daemons.
## 06.
Executable(s) randomize the in-memory location, net.services being compiled as PIE (position-independent executables) (e.g. postfix, openssh, apache2, bind9, dhcp3). +1 for security (vulnerabilities are _harder_ to exploit, on the 2.6-27-7-* kernel).
## 07.
Sun's Java OpenJDK 1.6 included into the main repo.
## 08.
"CD eject" thing.
so, finally, happy release to you all.
## # _more_ to come. : ). #
n.b. stay tuned! intrepid shall be here.